Quick Start Guide

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Quick Start Guide

Quick Start Guide

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Quick Start Guide

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In the version 3.0 release, you can easily decide which mails you want delivered to your mobile:
  1. ​In the left hand panel, expand the Views folders
  2. Find the new Mobile view
  3. Right click on the view
  4. Hover over View Filter
  5. Tick on or off the departments you want to be synchronised

​As usual, the read/unread status of mails will be synchronised between phone and PC.
To setup the synchronisation, you need to ensure the account on your device is created using the Mobile View setup. Email if you have any questions!
Sometimes you know you received a mail yesterday at around 11am, or last Friday just after that (boozy) lunch.
SoftCOM gives you a quick way to jump back in your views to that time, rather than scrolling back for hours, or searching for something you can't remember.
The Date/Time jump is just above the message grid:
Type in a date:
Or select one from the date picker:
Add a time if needed. You can just type in 1100 - no need for 11.00 or 11:00 - then hit ENTER.
Your focus will jump back to the nearest message to the date and time specified.
Useful shortcuts and functions to get you to your most important messages quickly and easily
Use the [HOME] key to jump to the TOP of the grid display.

Really useful when getting to the last message you've sent in your 'Sent By Me' View.
Use the [END] key to jump to the BOTTOM of the grid display.

Really useful when getting to your oldest Unread email in the Unread View.
Use the [F7] key to jump to the LATEST message in the grid display.

Really useful when getting to the latest new messages after a lunch that's gone on a bit too long...
Use the [DATE SELECTOR] in the top right hand corner of SoftCOM to jump back to a SPECIFIC date and time in any View.

Really useful when getting back to a message that you received at a specific date and time (e.g. "yesterday at 11am").
You may love the ALL VIEW or IN VIEW, but why not try the UNREAD VIEW. This groups all your unread emails in one place. So it's really easy to work through your UNREAD MAIL and make sure you've not missed anything.
You'll find the UNREAD VIEW in the left hand panel, just underneath VIEWS. Select this view to display all your UNREAD messages grouped together.

RIGHT CLICK on the UNREAD VIEW, then select VIEW FILTER to see which department messages are included.
Once you've marked some mails as read, REFRESH the view using the F5 key.
Mark a read email as UNREAD again by hitting CTRL+U.
Quickly find all correspondence related to a specific email through a simple right-click action
  1. Select any message in the grid display
  2. Right click on the message
  3. Select the ‘Search For Conversation’ option
  4. A new grid display will open with all messages in the email conversation
  5. Click back on the All/Unread View to continue 

Contact us

Feel free to reach out to us at Softcom Solutions through this form for any inquiries or assistance you may need.