
  • New search fields Send Out (mmscf), Production Capacity
  • For OFFSH, two new fields to contain Number of Bow and Stern Thrusters respectively
  • Add managing owner and commercial operator to default display when running an enquiry and clicking find matching vessel
  • Scrubber and BWTS and Coiled type to full description report
  • New Dual Fuel fields: Hydrogen Ready/Fuelled, LNG Cargo Ready/Fuelled, Ammonia Rady/Fuelled
  • New Field : Has Electronic Main Engine


  • Invoice Payment Terms to be aware of Segment, Activity, Sub Activity
  • New Search Fields to have the operator search showing all fixture types with last declared period details and Estimated layden days. My fixtures (operator) search to highlight to Operator what needs to be done and what is overdue as per following
  •  TC’s:
  • Estimated redelivery of vessel is within the next 7 days => Estimated Redelivery field has red text
  • Some notice is due within the next 7 days => Notice Due field has red text
  • TC is within next 7 days of the maximum duration => Max Period Date field has red text
  • End of the minimum duration of the TC is within next 7 days => Min Period Date field has red text
  • End of the maximum duration of the TC is within next 30 days => Vessel Name has a light red background
  • End of the maximum duration of the TC is within 2 months => Vessel Name has a yellow background
  • End of the maximum duration of the TC is within 3 months => Vessel Name has a green background
  • Vessel is not delivered and cancellation date (laycan end) is in the past => Laycan field has a light red background
  • Vessel is not delivered and earliest delivery (laycan start) within next 7 days => Laycan field has a yellow background
  • Vessel is not yet delivered => Delivered field has yellow background
  • Estimated redelivery notice given (next notice type tendered)=> Estimated Redelivery field has blue text
  •  VOY’s:
  • End of Laycan within the next 7 days => Contract Type field has a yellow background
  • If estimated next port time is within the next 20 days => Vessel Name field has light red text. Note: Next Port time calculated by Estimated Laden Duration, or 50 days if duration not provided.
  • If estimated next port time is within the next 20 days => Estimated Laden Days field has a yellow background. Note: Next Port time calculated by Estimated Laden Duration, or 50 days if duration not provided.
  • If no cargo was loaded and end of laycan is today and in the past => Contract Type field has a red background
  • Old out of date fixtures, end of laycan older than 120 days => Contract Type field has a Powderblue Background.

    Bug Fixes

  • TC Fixture Save UTC to  Time type
  • Document Our Value calculation - System reversal of invoiced charges followed by  Manual Reversal of the Document
  • Reversal and reversed invoices are not always settled
  • Reversal Credit assigned wrong Addressee when Addressee against Contract has changed since the Invoice was raised.


  • Broker Reports available
  • Production:  For a given Year/Office/Segment/Broker, report per Broker the Share of Our Value Estimate for the given year vs Estimate for Future years (Forward).
  • Production vs Settled: For a given Year/Office/Segment/Broker, report per Broker the Share of Our Value Estimate for the given year including any TC/COA fixtures from the previous year vs Actual Collected (Paid Invoices)
  • Statement of Account: For a given Office/Segment/Broker/Country/Currency, report per Broker (Main Broker against contract) Statement of Account (Unpaid Invoices) per Client.


Company Directory

  • The order in which departments are shown in has been made more consistent.
  • Inactive and deleted Departments are not shown anymore.


  • Blank Address commision receiver now allowed.


  • Document Date gets added when certificate is generated.


  • Vessel hyperlinks now first check for valid vessel Id before launching browser.
  • Renamed Reference to Fixture Ref and Message to Message Ref
  • Added Scrubber, BWTS, Trading Category search fields
  • Change default fixture status to Fixed instead of On Subjects


  • In-grid editing added for Commercial Operator and Technical Operator.

Purchase Enquiry

  • Changed the default setting to remember previously open saved searches to be set.

Sales and Valuation

  • Sales/Valuation Date now displayed in chronological order
  • Added Exname search field


  • Blocked mails now filtered out in search results


  • Pumps Display Field size increased from 69 to 3000 characters


  • Merged Technical and Machinery tabs
  • Right-click delete option on Enquiries
  • Easy access to third party websites from SWIC (VesselFinder / Marine Traffic vessel location)


  • Right click show Similar Valuations no longer uses the current display form.
  • Add Scrubber BWTS, Coated Note to Mobile reports
  • NP added to Similar Valuations Search
  • Menu Option added for Small Chemical Report
  • Added "Verified by" tick off for new S/V
  • Changed Buyer/VA to Editable Lookup.
  • Added Shaft Generator Field for gas vessels
  • "NO96 Super +" value added to LNG Containment dropdown.
  • Added "Find by Charterer" right-click Search
  • Change Buyer lookup on S&V to show fairplay owners
  • Additional fields added to Owners/Management display
  • Additional fields added to Speed/Consumption display
  • Additional fields added to the static overview (For all types)



  • All web pages given a fresh look
  • Text displayed alongside buttons to clarify functionality
  • Add/Edit/Delete buttons moved from right to left side of page to make more visible
  • Your last run saved searched will retain the name of the search, rather than just display ‘Recent’
  • Toggle control added to the left of the quick search field (in the top right hand corner of the app) to indicate whether the next search will open a new tabsheet or update the precious search result
  • Ability to lock first N columns of a search results grid so you can scroll right without losing the key details like company or vessel name of fixture number – to do this, open any search form, click on the Display tabsheet, and tick the columns ‘Fix left’ as required
  • The default program settings were changed to display large application icons on the left of the screen – to revert this change, click the ‘Layout’ menu item at the top of the screen, then click ‘Show small icons’
  • The default program settings for the search results grid were changed to not display grid lines and to remove alternate row colouring in order to give a cleaner display – to revert this change, click the ‘Configure application’ button in the top right corner of the screen, then select the ‘Look and Feel’ tabsheet, and tick the ‘Highlight alternating grid rows’ or ‘Show grid lines’ checkboxes



  • New Find Vessels tabsheet to make searching more intuitive
  • Web pages redesigned to give a fresh look with a ‘more…’ clickable link to drill down into the data
  • Enhanced display of LNG data to show Gas Capacity 100%, LNG Propulsion, LNG Containment and LNG Containment Type
  • All dates in DDMMMYY format for consistency
  • Various data fields added to indicate compliance with regulations like Scrubbers  and BWTS
  • Data entry restrictions added to improve data quality e.g. ship builder yard and coated note fields now a combo control for better reporting and searching
  • Users can use the lookup maintenance app to edit yard names for reporting purposes e.g. in the new sales report
  • Toolbar button added to run the new SNP Full Description report
  • Clickable i-icon added to Sales and Valuations, Fixtures and Enquiries tabsheets to pop up full details for any entry
  • Fixtures tabsheet now has a clickable ‘Reference’ field to pop up full fixture details


Sales and Valuations

  • Complete redesign of the fixtures display page
  • New reports added showing recent sales and valuations
  • Toolbar button added to run the new Sales report
  • New fields to indicate en-bloc sale, en-bloc number, sales condition and whether a TC is attached to the sale
  • Further fields which influence market prices were added e.g. when the next survey is due or when last done, or whether the vessel had Scrubbers, BWTS and electronic main engines at the time of the sale
  • IHS Sales data can now be included in all updates free of charge (please let us know if you want it activated), but only imports sales data if there is no sales entry within the last 90 days of the sales date – data import also updates sales data with TC Attached, en-bloc and auction values
  • When a demolished sales entry is made the trading status of the vessel changes to 'To be broken Up'.  If this was mistakenly entered, and the sales entry is changed to 'Reported Sold' or 'Sold', the system will revert the trading status back to 'Trading'


Purchase Enquiries

  • Complete redesign of the fixtures display page
  • Additional search and display fields to show Buyer, PIC (person in charge), Address and Expiry date
  • New search field added to indicate how many vessels and vessels with a direct commitment are matching an enquiry
  • When entering a new enquiry from Softcom Mail, the source and email address is automatically recorded


Chartering Fixtures

  • Complete redesign of the fixtures display page
  • Display newly added LNG fields (Gas Capacity 100%, LNG Propulsion, LNG Containment and LNG Containment Type)
  • Automatically update a vessel's open position with the end date of the fixture when a new TC fixture is entered
  • Update Employed Until with all declared fixture options


Company Directory

  • Complete redesign of the main display page
  • Status display panel added to indicate last updated date – updates are recorded in the Audit Trail tabsheet; also indicates whether it is active, or a ‘Fairplay’ company i.e. one added during the IHS import process
  • Inactive company names are greyed out to add a visual clue to the company status
  • Usage display panel added to indicate commercial activity



  • Features listed under the SoftSHIP / General section also apply to SoftFIX – the ability to lock the first columns in a search grid is especially useful
  • A fair number of client-specific changes and enhancements were added, along with client-specific work on integration to different accounting systems
  • Various enhancements to improve the operational aspects of SoftFIX, such as adding port terminal information including terminal and berth notes
  • Various additional search fields added at client request such as BL Issued and Waiting OBL
  • Additional terms and options for alerts and voyage operations such as ‘days before arrival at load port’, ‘days before arrival to discharge port’, and others


  • Initial version of the mobile app provided access to contacts and vessels
  • Extended to include fixtures, alerts, destination lists and email messages ​
  • Further enhancements related to searching, reporting, internal navigation and email integration
  • Can function as a replacement for native email apps using IMAP integration


  • Implemented changes to improve performance, deal with out of memory exceptions and various attachment issues
  • Resolve time difference issue that was experienced after an IMAP upgrade


  • Implemented changes to make Softcom compatible with Office 2016
  • Ensured compatability with Office 2019
  • Completed Office 365 integration
  • Resolved the 'out of memory issues' that followed implementation of updated 3rd party components
  • Implemented functionallity to retain keywords added to an outgoing message on the incoming reply
  • Implemented duplicate message filtering, with an icon to flag duplicate messages
  • Corrected bug where Japanese or Chinese characters in the sender, attachment or subject name didn't download to mobile
  • Ensured that rules on outgoing messages work with delayed sending
  • Fixed bug where marking  the most recent message as read did not update the grid display
  • Fixed bug where cursor position was lost on switching between views
  • Fixed bug when saving a file and opening it in the editor resulted in a  blank page


  • Implemented new 'Find Vessels' tabsheet to provide simplified search capability
  • Ensured all SoftSHIP apps will open Outlook instead of SoftCOM Mail if SoftCOM not installed
  • Changes to prevent an IHS update from overriding any change to the company short name made by a user
  • Significant changes to data importing of regular IHS updates
  • Indication with colouring rules to show if a vessel is trading under a fixture made by your own company
  • Various data fields added, primarily for LNG and Offshore vessels
  • Ensured that vessels with class society DNV-GL (VL) show code VL instead of old code NG


  • All - Added new Operations tab to fixture edit form to extend data entry for notifications and alerts
  • All - Move the actioning of claims, docs and misc to the new operations tab
  • All - Show the invoice number on the Freight tab when a manual charge has been raised onto an invoice
  • All - Allow in grid editing of the SoF details
  • All - Prevent users from making the fixture status Settled if there are still invoices outstanding
  • All - Allow brokers to see all fixtures they are involved in regardless of which viewing permission group they belongs to
  • All - Recalculate unactioned Notices Due dates even if you have started to action some notices
  • All - When a claim is actioned then remaining claims should be flagged as 'claims completed'
  • TCs - Implemented new feature for handling TC vessels on Index hire (See SoftFIX manual)
  • TC - Allow changes of hire rate and payment cycle within a period (Index Hire)
  • TC - Numerous changes to extend reminders, alerts, claims time bars and notices
  • TC - Handle date format of 23:59 at month end as some owners want to see 23:59 on their charge narrative and not 0:00
  • TC - All delivery and redelivery reminders should be cleared (as appropriate) once a vessel is delivered or redelivered
  • VOY - Added Terminal/Berth and Port notes to the port deails edit form
  • VOY - Add config setting so that the system can default to total loaded OR nominated quantity
  • COA - update calendar entries when moving COA liftings
  • Invoicing - Allow multiple lines for company full name
  • Invoicing - Address should not be mandatory on invoices
  • Invoicing - On Invoicing details tab, change Remark to Invoice Narrative to clearly indicate the it will appear on the invoice
  • Invoicing - Allow users to manipulate the order of charges on an invoice
  • Invoicing - Keep the payment history against a fixture


  • Developed several API calls to provides connectivitity between 3rd party apps and Softcom
  • API for Softcom Mobile to access vessel, contacts, fixtures, alerts, email messages and destination lists
  • API to provide acces to vessel data, open positions, S&P sales data and vessel valuations
  • API to provide login access for internal and external users of Softcom applications


  • Updated all software to latest 3rd party controls
  • Updated all software to latest Microsoft .NET framework
  • Updated Softcom to latest version of Redemption


  • Comprehensive implementation of Client Valuation Requests for S&P system - please contact us for further details


  • Implemented new feature for handling TC vessels on Index hire (See SoftFIX manual)


  • Compatibility testing with Office 2019, Exchange 2016
  • Performance optimization for sending large, personalised circulars
  • Various bug fixes regarding out-of-memory errors
  • SoftCOM mobile, fixed bug which caused one-hour time difference in timestamp
  • SoftCOM mobile, fixed bug which caused issues with attachments     


  • Auto-refresh of Chartering Enquiries
  • Infrastructure work for S&P Client Valuation requests released under V3.1.2


  • New SoftFIX manual released
  • Implemented new Demurrage claims processing workflow (See SoftFIX manual)
  • In-grid editing of port-related entries such as arrival and departure times, BL quantity etc.
  • Improved handling of time bar actioning, added new saved searches
  • Auto recalculation of unactioned notice due dates, even if you have started to action some notices
  • Enable users to manipulate order of charges on an invoice
  • Ensure hire per calendar month also handles hires starting mid-month
  • Numerous individual client requests for minor adjustments


  • Bug fixes on Personalised sending
  • Keyword are now retained on incoming replies to sent messages.


  • New Direct Enquiries tab
  • Highlighting of Vessels with Direct Commitment in Green
  • ​Highlighting of Direct Purchase Enquiries in Green


  • New Voy Operations tab
  • TC Operations tab for handling claims notices


  • The underlying ​DevExpress components have been updated to version 18.1
  • Installshield 2018
  • .NET 4.7 support
  • Exchange 2016 support


  • Personalise your messages. New feature to allow creation of personalised destination lists, with each recipient receiving an individual message.  But unlike third party circulation programs (like Sendblaster or Mail Chimp), you will only see one message in your Out view.  Contact Softcom Sales Team if you are interested in this highly sought after feature.
  • Block Spam messages.  New feature to block designated email addresses as Spam mail, at either departmental or company level.  Contact Softcom Sales Team if you are interested in this feature.
  • Users can no longer override a CMS list from SoftCOM editor.
  • Various bug fixes for issues reported to us.


  • Personalise your message with the Vessel Name in Subject Line.  If personalisation is enabled then the Send to Source functionality will automatically include the vessel name in the subject line for each Vessel.  Individual mails are sent without you having to create them separately.
  • Add the current position when matching Vessels to Purchase Enquiries.
  • Added additional fields for Offshore Vessels.  All these fields are available as search fields and editable in the grid.
  • You can now include the Last Sales Entry in your search results.
  • TC Enquiries are now also matched on spot position if no long position is available.
  • Various bug fixes.
  • If personalisation is enabled then the Attention Line is automatically included in the Mail to List functionality.  Individual mails containing the attention line will go out without you having to create them separately.
  • Show Company Full Name for options in search.
  • Do not allow users to override CMS lists from Softcom Mail Editor.


  • Additional Operations Workflow Fields added under the More button.  Contact Softcom support to enable them.
  • Search functionality:
    • TC Total Duration field added.
    • Allow reporting per year and month on TC Periods.
    • Allow reporting per laycan/Delivery Year.
    • Allow searching against new Operations Work flow fields.
    • Voyage Rate now only returns the Main Rate.
    • Fix duplicate results returned when searching on Demurrage Amount and Commission.
  • Various bug fixes for issues reported to us.


  • New functionality to create and link a message to a folder.
  • New option available under Mailbox settings,  to automatically default the from address to the department that received the mail when forwarding or replying to a message.
  • Username for IMAP service can now contain a ‘.’
  • Various bug fixes for issues reported to us.


  • New Graphical Search for Chartering Enquiries.
  • Process to clean-up out of date Enquiries entered via the classifier (contact support).
  • We’ve made major improvements to the Scanners to handle different formats of html tables.
  • Add right click function against a vessel to see all internal fixtures against the vessel

Company Directory:
  • Add right click function against a company to see all internal fixtures against the company.


  • Add right click functions against vessel and company directory to find internal fixtures.
  • Allow longer vessel names and email addresses.
  • Various bug fixes for issues reported to us.


  • Various bugfixes for issues reported to us (.msg files and drafts hanging SoftCOM, Windows 10 fixes and more)


  • New Position API that allows you to retrieve/download positions scanned by the Position Scanner
  • The Cargo Scanner now processes size class names (e.g. 'supramax' and 'handy') as well as numerical quantity or DWT ranges
  • New tab in the Vessels module for that automatically displays matching Chartering Enquiries to the selected Vessel
  • We've made further improvements to the Scanners to continue improving Cargo Scanner accuracy levels
  • New Vetting category in the Descr/Notes tab in the Vessels module
  • New Read only access to SoftSHIP (available upon request)
  • New Inspection workflow that lets you save specific inspection details like Inspected By, Through and Via
  • New 'Buyer' field in the Working Us tab and workflow
  • New Read only access to SoftSHIP (available upon request)
  • Fixed an issue where the USA country code reverted the country to Canada


  • We now record when an invoice was sent, and allow you to search over these fields
  • Performance improvements in the Invoice Documents module, and other speed improvements across the SoftFIX modules
  • Fixed a calculation bug in Our Values when there is more than one charge on an invoice and a reversal is then applied


  • Personalised emails are now available within SoftCOM Mail: send emails with personalised content to your distribution lists
  • New Folder Views functionality to complement Keyword Views: folder structures can be copied in one click; folders can be created at multiple visibility levels; keywords are not added to mails dragged into folders
  • New setting to control authentication methods in SoftCOM Mobile
  • We've added an option to send us logs directly from SoftCOM Mail - if you get any errors, please send them back to us from Help menu > Send Logs!
  • We've added logic into the Editor to only accept valid characters in the email address (TO/CC/BCC) fields


  • Position Scanner logic change, to parse emails where the vessel has a DWT but no built year
  • Send personalised emails in SoftCOM Mail directly from the CMS module


  • We've implemented the ability to view encrypted and signed messages.
  • Resolved the issue where a hyperlink automatically returned after you had manually removed it when composing emails.
  • Various bugfixes and improvements, including decoding of some foreign characters, the opening of some email formats, and fixed application crashes reported to us.


  • We've been really busy improving accuracy levels in the Cargo Scanner. We've added various mail types that weren't processed previously, and improved our algorithms to prevent non-cargo mails from being mis-processed as cargo orders. We've made some nifty performance improvements too!
  • We've added a days away value in position searches, showing you how many days away from the port or zone the vessel is based on her current open position.
  • We've improved the Fixtures form by auto-populating the laycan date with the today's date, although you can easily overwrite this if required. We've also filtered the list of companies down by Charterer and Shipbroker to speed up data entry - it's a configurable setting so speak to us if you want it enabled.
  • We've relaxed the rules on the Commitment and Disponent Owner fields, so when saving a company you can now either lookup the company from its email addresses or from its name.
  • We've added the ability to store short codes against Yards. These short codes can then be included in reports instead of the full yard name. Please contact us if you have bespoke report changes.
  • We've added ship design to the Similar and Sister ship searches.
  • 43 new ports and alternative port names have been added to your system.
  • We're aiming to close the Purchase Enquiries workflow loop:
    • We've added new fields called 'Person In Charge (PIC)' and 'Buyer' to let you maintain counterparty data against the enquiry.
    • We've also set expiry dates on enquiries, so that you only see relevant matching enquiries on a vessel. The new default expiry date is 6 months, but email us if it needs to be increased!
    • We've added a new Source email field, so you can save either a source email address or save the the source company name as before.
    • You can now update an enquiry into a sale entry through one tick box.
    • Check out our road map for upcoming Purchase Enquiries changes.
  • We've added a new Commercial Advice type of 'Inspection'.
  • We've continued to make navigation between vessels and companies simpler and easier, including a new department navigation tab in the Companies module.
  • We've added the tools to monitor and display any changes by colleagues to company and contact entries that sit within CMS lists.


  • We've added the ability to record the corresponding invoice number, date with a note for against collectable commission charges and credit notes.
  • On Voyages, when a Vessel Nomination due date is specified, a calendar reminder will be generated similar to delivery and redelivery notices. Specifying any vessel name that does not contain the word TBN will action this reminder.
  • A new report that will show outstanding commission charges accrued up until a specific date is now available on request. Commission on hire/offhire charges will be split basis the specified date.
Since we released version 3.0 in November last year, we've made various changes and additions, and fixed as many reported bugs as possible.


  • Encrypted mails can now be viewed from within SoftCOM Mail
  • Resolved the issue of .IML files that could not be opened in v3.0
  • URLs within the email can be clicked on, rather than using CTRL+click
  • Resolution to one reported issue when opening .msg files
  • Fixes for display problems when the PC display setting is set to 150% or when the SoftCOM display font is set to very large
  • Resolution for the selected mail jumping to a previous date
  • Various IMAP Mobile Service exceptions caught and resolved
  • Improved compatibility with the K9 mail application


  • New reports for extracting cargo and voyage orders entered by the Cargo Scanner
  • New field to allow teams to manage TC Candidates (the search field is called 'For TC')
  • When the Commitment party is updated, we now record who changed it and when
  • Expose the Person's Position at the selected Organisation within the CMS module


  • When Auto Raise is enabled, TC charges can now be locked to prevent reversals being generated
  • Three new fields requested for closer tracking of vessels during load/discharge: Berthed, Cargo Docs, and Unberthed
  • Vessel Name, Cargo and Port details can now be added to the Manual charges tab
  • New fields to indicate when freight and final freight invoices have been received and paid
  • Ability to track the Laytime calculation and amount against a port that generates a manual demurrage charge linked to the cargo and port
Here's an overview of all the changes we've been busy making over the past few months. We've included a mix of bug fixes, new features and useful tools, and necessary underlying component updates to make sure our apps continue to run for years to come. If you've got a particular question about a specific task, please get in touch with our support team.


  • Brand new look and feel to SoftCOM Mail, with updated icons, a new flat theme, and updated controls - we hope you like it!
  • ​New 'Mobile' view that allows you to configure which departments/emails you want to see on your mobile
  • Loads of bug fixes, memory usage improvements and tweaks across SoftCOM Mail client, Broker Services and SoftCOM Mobile service based on what you've reported to us previously
  • People who use loads of tag buttons can now scroll through the tags panel to get to their tags more quickly
  • ​Tighter integration to the CRM functionality in SoftSHIP and Company Directory, letting you send multi-dest lists more efficiently
  • New sending broker service in preparation for the mail merge functionality in the next release
  • Connection status and version details have been moved to the Help menu
  • ​Opening .msg files now in appear in the preview window, not the editor
  • The underlying ​DevExpress components have been updated to version 16.1, which contains loads of fixes, including better message display and editing
  • Full support for Microsoft Exchange 2013
  • Improved database self clean-up processes to help manage data volumes​


  • Brand new look and feel to SoftSHIP, with updated icons, a new flat theme, and updated controls - we hope you like it!
  • New splash screen lets you suggest new ideas, access release notes and road maps, and get weekly tips and more
  • Time zones are now shipped with SoftSHIP on the bottom status bar - contact support if you want to configure this
  • Bug fixes and tweaks across SoftSHIP based on what you've reported to us previously


  • Improvements to the matching process when using the Find matching vessels on a cargo order
  • Fix for the DWT field in the map search
  • Loads of improvements to the Cargo Scanner, including algorithm enhancements and the latest data dictionary, port and cargo sets - we've seen huge accuracy improvements on our test databases!
  • New mechanism of defining what vessel types to update in which departments for the Position Scanner
  • Fixture Alerts can now be set to notify you when vessels come off long term TC, then click directly from the alert to get you to the vessel details
  • Changes to the cargo dates/times to allow for better multi-location access
  • Fixtures can now be saved with a size class where the specific vessel is unknown
  • Small adjustments to MED/GIB sailing distances and times


  • ​The fields displaying in the Purchase Enquiry box can be set per organisation to whatever you need
  • Multiple yards and subtypes can now be saved against an enquiry
  • Changes to the 'Find matching vessels' display and matching process from Enquiries

Company Directory:

  • New Contact Management System (CMS) for the handling of events and customer interactions
  • Notes can now be saved with visibility levels
  • Better validation checks when adding and deleting email address and other contact details to prevent data duplication


  • Brand new look and feel to SoftFIX, with updated icons, a new flat theme, and updated controls - we hope you like it!
  • New splash screen lets you suggest new ideas, access release notes and road maps, and get weekly tips and more
  • Time zones are now shipped with SoftFIX on the bottom status bar - contact support if you want to configure this
  • COA liftings now show as Invoiced/Settled instead of Actual if the Voyage Status is set to Invoiced/Settled
  • You will be warned that invoicing details should be checked when you change the commission Counter Party
  • If the freight rate is lumpsum, you will no longer be forced to enter a nominated quantity or cargo
  • The Vessel Name field has been made mandatory when creating a new fixture (TBN can be added for VOY/COA)
  • We've added new 'Total Invoiced' and 'Estimate Total' fields for further financial analysis
  • Various pre-agreed changes to invoices, including longer narratives, added Payment/Writeoff fields, payment terms after the bank details, offhire remarks, and corresponding invoice received details
  • When doing a partial writeoff followed by partial payment, the issue of payment for the Collect/Share parties not being allocated has been resolved
  • The Payment Summary Report now shows the Main Office Amount correctly when tax is involved
  • When editing an offhire, the hire charge is deleted if the offhire is moved into a previous period
  • On TCs, the default selected period on periods tab now display the last declared period so that you can automatically edit it, and you can now lock TC charges from causing reversals when Auto Raise is on


  • The underlying ​DevExpress components have been updated to version 16.1, which contains loads of fixes, including better message display and editing
  • Full support for Microsoft Exchange 2013


10002288: Fixes for the EWS Permissions Broker Service not syncing AD
10002450: Support Exchange 2013
60049869: Show the BY information in the Message Properties dialogue
60050879: Fixes for the Broker Monitor Service failing to restart the Mail Broker Services
60052578: Remove the 'EntryID' and 'MessageID' fields from the Message Preview panel
60052604: Show the sent time (not the created time) when replying to a mail sent with a delay
60053105: Rules that add keywords are conflicting in that the keyword is added and then unexpectedly deleted
60053222: Ensure .msg attachments are not blank on forwarded messages
60053252: When printing show the URL of the sender
60054509: New macro to open the New Cargo Enquiry form
60054615: Improve the performance of the Broker Service when Exchange retention policies kick in
60054892: Screen position of editor not saved in certain scenarios on multiple screens
60055047: Remove the version number from the top toolbar of SoftCOM
60055641: When using the Save As function, save the filename as the email subject, not the email ID
200002187: Softcom freezes when the user opens a mail and tries to enlarge the view with CTRL+ Mouse Wheel


10002424: AIS: Match AIS vessel name with IHS name to indicate possible name changes
60052904: AIS: Indicate ballasting vessels with green arrows, and general moving vessels with blue arrows
60053394: Chartering: Add 'WS' to the Currency table
60053667: Chartering: On New Fixture/New Cargo Enquiry forms, filter the cargo list to the broking type selected
60054601: Chartering: ​Add 'Entered By' field to New/Edit Fixture form
60054745: Chartering: Do not populate the subject line with vessel names when using the 'Send to All Sources' function on multiple vessels, only on single vessels
60055052: Chartering: Change Max TEU to 'TEU from - to' on the Container Chartering Search
60051970: Classifier: Improvements to the Classifier algorithms when processing certain date displays ('S.Half ', 'F.Half', 'augst')
60050631: Classifier: Manage port/zone exclusions (e.g. 'no goa' or 'no iran')
10002167: CMS: New module set for CMS - Content Management System
60054804: CoDir: Add search/display field 'Organisation, Full Name'
60054805: CoDir: Add right click options to show all ships marked as For Sale against a company owner
60054806: CoDir: Add right click options to show all purhcase enquiries from the selected company
60055045: CoDir: The 'Links, Linked Organisation' field should display the company name, not the company ID
60055150: CoDir: Changes made to capital letters should be remembered
10002616: Ports: new ports, terminals and name mis-spellings added
60054597: S&P: Add columns (Yard, ForSaleDate, ForSalePrice, ForSaleSource and ForSaleEnteredby)  to the 'Matching Vessels' system search
60053558: S&P: Add 'Tanks, Cargo Pumps' field to the Sales & Valuations module
60053674: S&P: Add 'SS Date' field to the Sales & Valuations module
200002447: S&P: Allow users to enter a Market Valuation or Valuation Indication that does not require a Valuation Contract
60053689: S&P: Change [To Market] notes as they are affecting the 'Latest SNP Note' field
60054753: S&P: Add a 'CommAdv, Private' search and display field


10002135: Add 'Exchange Rate Date' search field
10002307: Add 'estimate locked' search field
10002462: Prevent brokers from seeing the results of other brokers' fixtures
10002596: Show the Create/Declared Date in the 'Results by TC Period' search
10002599: The BL Date no longer shows on invoices after the completed date has been cleared
10002640: Changing the delivery date on a raised TC Invoice causes a reversal instead of just adding a charge from the delivery until first raised charged
60052320: The display fields "Commission Details - Total Comm%" and "Commission Details - Our Comm%" added to Invoice Documents
60054642: When trying to link two fixtures, it is now possible to specify manually the fixture number
60054916: Print the 'Number of Days' on Invoices with the number of decimal places according to the client configuration setting
60055033: Allow users to enter a fixture older than the previous year
60055116: 'Cargo Display' for VOY/COA search field added
60055134: Prevent a user from deleting a Bank Account that is used in SoftFIX
60055138: Fix for searches not completing after uploading files to a fixture
60055495: Fix for freezes during either amending fixtures or adding COA with multiple liftings
200002203: Add search fields for Min and Max duration in days for TC Hire Periods
200002245: Copying a TC Fixture for last declared or from last declared period no longer resets the section numbering to 1
200002337: Fix for the collect/share document totals showing as 0 when the invoice is written off in full
200002452: Aged Debt Management Report should not exclude Credit Notes


60053041: Support SQL 2014
​60053093: Sync Service installer not working correctly
60055125: Actions tab > Export to Excel button should use default .xls file viewer, not just Microsoft Excel